LOA Develop Irresistible Attraction News
Well, it finally happened today -- March 11, 2007. I have been teaching Law of Attraction workshops and providing coaching for five and a-half years without ever hearing a disparaging word. Now, I know that's quite a record, but it was one I enjoyed. Then lo and behold, our guest speaker at church today provided the first negative assessment of the Law of Attraction I have heard. Several people stopped me afterwards and asked for my response. They said there have also been some negative musings in the media recently regarding the DVD The Secret and the Law of Attraction. This is my response based on what I believe. It is several pages, but I feel it is well worth the read. It is my hope it will continue a discussion about the Law of Attraction, and I welcome it.
Newsletter - Volume 1, Issue 1
- Feature Article "Join the Forgiveness Revolution"
Articles -From Wisdom Flash
This is a good presentation explaining some of the
"How" the LOA process works.
An Article for Traditional Christians, Friends and Family – Answering Your Questions Regarding the Law of Attraction
I am writing this article because I have heard from so many traditional Christians since the popularity of The Secret. Actually, I have heard from them, their family and friends for several years wanting me to write a book just for traditional Christians in their language. Please know that I am writing as we speak and will make an E-book available ASAP. I will also have it published in hard copy, but I don't want you to have to wait because your questions are pressing and urgent. Remember, like the Law of Gravity, the Law of Attraction is a universal law which means it works in any language no matter what your belief system. This article is in the language of the traditional Christian. Enjoy!
Tap into The Amazing Power of Personal Forgiveness
by Connie Domino, MPH, RN
On the way to personal development, I made an amazing discovery about the power of forgiveness. I have been a student of this subject for years and certainly knew I had much to learn. However, I didn’t know what I was about to find out would be so strong and powerful, that it would leave me completely astounded and change my life forever. This article will teach you the all important step of "HOW TO" forgive others and yourself.