We apologize for resending this newsletter. Our newsletter software cut off many paragraphs in our first mailing.
Everything’s in bloom in Raleigh where I live, and it looks like a Garden of Eden. Spring has sprung. A dusting of yellow pollen coats everything. If you stand outside long enough, it will coat you. This powdered love potion of all plants and trees may be a hassle as we sneeze and wash our cars, but it ensures us that another cycle begins of life renewed.
Book Signing - Saturday, April 7, 2007 – 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. -- The Dancing Moon, 1840 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27608
Internet Radio Talk Show – May 8, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. -- Kala - Explore Your
Business Abundance for the Entrepreneur (LOA for Business) – Friday, May 18, 2007 – 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Capital City Club, 21st Floor, 410 Wilmington St., Raleigh, NC – To register: . Fee: $195.00 includes the book, all materials, and a hot gourmet lunch.
Law of Attraction Workshop – June 2, 2007 – 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. -- Greenville Yoga Center, 2504 Charles Blvd., Greenville, NC – Registration Contact: Sherry Habib or 252- 531-3524 -- Fee: $75.00 includes the book and all materials.
Dear Connie: Do I have to feel positive every single day?
I get this question quite a bit. Many people have been turned off by certain adherents to the positive attitude movement who are in denial of anything they consider to be negative. Someone told me about students of a certain college seminary who believed in positive mental attitude so much they would hide their glasses because they were taught ill health doesn't exist. She said she would find glasses abandoned all over the library by students caught off guard. While we have all begun a journey that focuses on the positive, people ask me, "What about the times when I feel down; wonder what am I doing in this place; and/or doubt my life's significance or purpose?" We all experience times of doubt and worry, and I believe we should not deny our feelings but feel them fully and move through them. If you are reading this now, it means you are interested in self-improvement and making the world a better place. You have undertaken an important journey that is not always easy.
On those difficult days, I have found it most helpful to keep my eye on the "big picture." Continue to say your affirmations, and always remember, you are a wonderful, powerful, spiritual being having an Earthly experience. I think this letter sent to me by John Freeze, a long time LOA student, places it all in perspective. It was written to Maureen (the editor of World Puga Newsletter, February 2007) by one of her friends. I have found it to be of great comfort and have sent it to several friends when they needed extra reassurance of their importance in the great scheme of things. Don’t get caught up in the semantics when you read this, but like a good poem, adjust whatever words you need to best understand the gist or meaning. Feel free to pass it along to any friend or family member who may need a pep talk.
"You are to know that those many, many times that you struggled through the tears of pain and confusion were the times that the Angels from the very highest realms sat by your side on your living room couch. For you came to this very negative dimension to conquer all self- doubt, and you were determined to blossom into the bright God- Light/Self that you are. The Hierarchy of Heaven stands in awe of you.
The trail that you blaze is a yellow brick road, paved in the gold that shimmers with Heavens Light. And when the people of the Earth look back on their release from the chains of negativity and fear, they will feel your passion and know that the tears you once shed so long ago, have watered and fertilized the seeds of hope that blossomed into Love's most divine Eden."
Dearest hearts, remember who you are, especially when you feel like you are being 'whacked' around. Know that you are always being watched over, walked next to and held in the arms of grace even when it seems otherwise. You are heroes, living in a transition stage and by your very presence upon this earth you are bringing a species and a planet back into Light. The entirety of Heaven honors you.
We have taken on the most monumental of tasks and the pain is a result of the dying off of the old complex human nature. My friend Jean Houston said it this way "we are the parenthesis closing the end of an era so another can begin." Bless our hearts!
We have been blessed to stand on the shoulders of many great ones that came before us. Believe this, many here now, and those to come will stand on ours. That very truth is humbling while motivating at the same time. For me, it reminds me of my responsibility to be the best me I can be, to compare myself to no other and "to live UP to the Light I have."
We, you and I, are complex in our natures, however if we remain in our hearts and not our minds, our complexities will simplify immeasurably. Let everything out of your grip, wipe the sweat from your palms and open wide to the infinite possibilities that live and breathe and have their very existence within you. Live UP to your precious selves in spite of the often not so graceful circumstances."