May 2009


Hi Connie,

Well, I won’t be attending the “How to attract your perfect partner” workshop on May 7th. He found me! I put my affirmation away “somewhere” and when I find it, I will go into more details about all of this for you. About a month ago, I just decided to also add “God I know my life is in your hands”. I have always said “God works in strange ways” and this is truly one of those ways. I will share more with you soon. Thank you for your help in guiding my “thoughts” in a positive direction. I “fell off the wagon” for awhile, but when I started again it worked better than I ever imagined! I am living the “happily ever after” that I always dreamed of, with no doubts.

God Bless You!

Live, Love, Laugh


July 2008

Randy Shepard Rocks and Rolls His Way to LOA Success

For years I had wanted to sing inspirational music supporting positive spiritual principles, but with a gospel beat. It seems most of the positive type spiritual music is very beautiful and soft flowing (which is wonderfully meditative and has its place), but I wanted to rock and roll. Several years back, low and behold, Randy Shepard manifested as our choir director. He had us rocking and rolling in no time singing "positive mental attitude gospel.” Right out of a scene from the movie "Sister Act", like Whoopi Goldberg's character, Randy was very patient as he taught our mostly white choir passionate, soulful singing and how to move our hips to the beat. Randy loves the Law of Attraction and is always manifesting something. While Randy's journey has led him to another church to direct their choir, I wanted to share his most recent manifestation story with you. One of our choir members saw Randy recently and this is what he told her he was up to.

Randy said that after he left our choir he decided to do nothing for a while and see where God led him. One day a woman from a local Presbyterian church called him and said that one of their members who was moving out of state wanted to donate a piano but they could not use it and would Randy like to have it? He went to look at it. It was a Baldwin Grand piano! Not a baby grand, a GRAND! He could not believe it! It was sadly out of tune though. So, he thought, who can use this wonderful piano?

Randy's aunt who lives next door suggested that he donate the piano to Oberlin Church where he began his career many years ago. Randy remembered that they always, always had Baldwin pianos, nothing else. So, he arranged to donate the piano to them and had it moved. When it was delivered he arranged for the piano to be tuned and also asked the tuner to give him and the church an appraisal of the beautiful piano. He was flabbergasted that the value of the piano was $60,000! He thought it would be around $10,000 to $20,000.

A few days later, the person in charge of the music at Oberlin Church called Randy and asked him to come meet with the music committee—they wanted his ideas and feedback on some plans they had. So, he met with them and they offered him the position of music director and he added “I could not believe the money they offered me!” So, Randy is happily back where he began so many years ago!
Randy Shepard

June 2008

Congratulations to Mike Addison, long time LOA devotee, as he manifests a great new job, selling his house quickly, purchasing a new house and meeting a new love - who happens to also be a realtor - all within a couple of months. Here is an email from Mike.

Hi Connie!

Yeah, I guess I was ready for all this to happen :). Some people might say I was probably more than ready. I just felt like I had more to offer, more to learn in my career, and when I really became aware of that....I decided to take action and just go for it. The houses...I guess both were priced right---for mine to sell and the one I bought---so it fell into place pretty easily. Suzie...I was not expecting this to happen, and she has all the attributes that I love.
Thanks Connie and have a great vacation with your family at the end of the month.


Roberta's September 2007 Affirmation for a Romantic Relationship

Met October 2007

Thank you God that I now have a wonderful man in a relationship with these qualities:

By: when we are both ready for each other

-- October 2007

Love ya, Universe

Roberta Rouse-Wilson

April 2008

I saw Roberta, a long time LOA student, at my April 2008 workshop and she introduced me to a very nice gentleman named Arthur. She said she had actually written the affirmation below in September of 2007 and Arthur came into her life in October of 2007. Below her letter is a good example of a successful affirmation for a romantic relationship. I asked Roberta to send her successful affirmation for you to study, because I know she writes good ones. After reading this one, scroll down to 2005 to read Roberta's successful job affirmation.

Hi Connie,

Arthur came into my life October 5, 2007 and everything went from there. He just moved to Raleigh, NC a week and a half ago. He was living in Charlotte. Yeah for Roberta!!!

You know what is so funny? I let him read it and he said, "The person in this affirmation seems perfect, who wouldn't want someone like this?" When I reviewed each of the qualities, he was so surprised to realize that he had all of these qualities. I guess "we can't see from looking so hard," as my grandmother would say.
I can honestly say that I am happy with him. I got all of this after 11 years of being divorced and being in bad relationships.

Isn't God, just fabulous!!!!!!!!!

June 2008

Martha and Bill have had a long marriage with very traditional roles. Martha loves her husband so much and wants more than anything (her primary goal) to feel understood, valued and cherished. She desires to feel happy and successful in her marriage. For years, she feels like she has been meeting everyone else's needs, while neglecting her own. After several private sessions with Martha and one with Bill, Martha emailed to say that Bill was acting in new ways that she had not witnessed in their 42 years of marriage. She said....

"Bill still amazes me. He walked on my just mopped floor yesterday and left a trail of dirt. He actually apologized. I bought him a new shirt over the weekend. He wore it to work today and called me this morning to thank me for it. This may not sound like much to others, but it is to me. He has never been thoughtful of my feelings in the past 42 years of marriage. He actually listened to my tennis drama without telling me he doesn't want to hear it if I'm not going to do anything about it. So he must have actually listened to you..... I look forward to spending more time with the "new Bill."

Thank you more than you can know,


December 2007

At 51 years of age, Jennifer used the LOA principles to lose 40 pounds, and complete the Marine Corps Boot Camp Challenge. Building on her success, she has a new goal to run a marathon. Read her inspiring story and learn that "NOW" is always a good time to work on your goals.


I bought your book a couple of years ago, read it and was inspired, but really didn't give it the chance I should have. However, I found out about an event I wanted to participate in really badly, so I broke out the book and started working on the principals you teach, knowing I had a year until the event. With that goal in mind, I worked to find myself the right material to change my diet and began a walking program. I told my friends about my goal, made up little reminders on paper and stuck them around so that I'd see them. Most of my co-workers thought I was nuts to take this on at age 51, but over the course of about 7 months, I have lost 40 pounds, can run 3-4 miles steadily (which was what I needed to attend the event in my mind).

This past October 5th, I flew to San Diego by myself to participate in the Marine Corps Boot Camp Challenge at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot. Its a tough event involving a 3-mile run (with various small obstacles) and then working through their obstacle course (the same one the Marine Recruits go through - NOT small obstacles) while Drill Instructors "encourage" you along the way (you know what that means). Physically it was tough, but I finished and felt an incredible surge of excitement and relief! I know that the mental preparation I had learned through your program was the key to my success. I have set a few more goals to participate in 2 or 3 5K runs locally and then will decide shortly whether to repeat this event or go to Washington DC and participate in the 10K portion of the Marine Corps Marathon next October. There is no doubt in my mind that whatever I decide, your lessons on the Law of Attraction will be with me every step of the way! Thanks so much for making this goal attainable for me and I hope you'll consider coming back out to the Seattle area in 2008, especially since I missed you last time.

Thanks again for everything.

Jennifer Plemmons
Kennewick, Washington

November 2007

Tina was so inspired by the LOA workshop, she has begun a business making inspirational t-shirts, and more, Check out her web site.

Hello Connie,

I took your workshop last year and my life has changed incredibly. In the workshop one of my goals was to make greeting cards (which I choose to call “giving” cards) with inspiring messages on them. I am now selling these at a local gift shop. My goal to empower people to be inspired has led me to designing inspiring messages for t-shirts as well. You can see my “stuff” at

Your new site looks fabulous by the way. Thank you for who you are and all that you do. Your knowledge and the fact that you share it has helped me so much.

Are you booked for the Oprah show yet?!?

Kindest regards,

Tina T. Buck
VP, Finance
Productivity Enhancement Resources, Inc.

July 2007

Syd Shares How Using the Forgiveness Technique Worked Wonders after Reading My Article Posted on Another Web site.

Hi Katherine,

A few weeks ago I read an article by Connie Domino on forgiveness posted on your web site. After reflecting on the article, I decided to follow its advice and try to forgive some family members who have hurt me and my daughter deeply. Spiritually I knew I needed to forgive them, more for my sake than theirs, but I was both skeptical and intrigued by the idea that offering forgiveness will free up energy to manifest blessings in my life as well. I’ve been living “on the edge of a breakthrough” for years, and was really ready for it.

Within 3 weeks of saying the affirmations for each of the people that I needed to forgive, I’ve been able to resolve a work situation that has resulted in a raise and a lot more opportunities as a Corporate Concierge, I received a check for $3,000 from a client that hadn’t paid in months, I’ve gotten more business for my home-based consulting business, and best of all, I’ve started a relationship with a wonderful man that I met months ago, but he didn’t ask me out until after I’d done the forgiveness exercise. Maybe all these things would have happened anyway, but I chose to believe that there’s a connection here!

If you’re interested in reading what I wrote about this, please following the link below to my blog:

Thanks for making such great resources available.



July 2007

Sharon Manifests Her Dream Job and Helps a Friend Get Her Business Booming Using LOA.

Good Morning Connie:

In regards to your Life Coaching Manual and CD's I am just asking for an update on when they might be available. (Answer: Coaching Manual Available Mid-July 2007 -- CDs Available Now). When I wake up each morning the first thing I ask God is to "let me be a blessing to someone today", and each day he sends someone to me that needs help or just someone to talk to. I am more convinced than ever that this is what I want to do. I have shared your book and The Secret CD's with many people and I can see such positive changes in my own life as well as those I have been sharing them with (I will probably have to order another couple of books because I keep lending mine out).

Just a quick side note, one of the goals I wrote down was to have a new job making $60,000/year by September 1st of this year. I have a friend who has developed a new product and has been working on it for over a year to bring it to market. The people she had asked to help her with it were moving extremely slow and nothing can moved forward until the business plan is finished and the engineer is done with the final drawing for the product. She has been extremely frustrated with what she thought was a lack of commitment on the part of the people she chose to help her. I shared your book and the Secret DVD with her and all of a sudden things are starting to move quickly. We both have been using the LOA to help make her business a reality and as soon as we did things really started moving. Both the business plan developer and the engineers are finalizing their parts. Through a series of events we have met someone who is helping her apply for a grant for the business and also have been put in touch with several investors. I never told Tina the amount of money I wanted to make when I came to work for her, so when she sent me a copy of the business plan I knew it was the LOA working. In her plan, under my name, was a yearly salary of $60,000.00. I know by September 1st I will have my new job with Tina, and I'll also be helping others with your Coaching methods.

Best Regards,

Steve obtained a long sought after business while attending my workshop during June 2007


For four years I chased a business and after only four weeks in your LOA workshop I have it! Your techniques and training have opened the door to amazing new possibilities. I refer to the book often and can recommend it to anyone that wants to change something in their life.

Thanks so much
-- Steve H
Cary, NC

July 2007

While going through a Divorce, Donna successfully used the LOA Techniques I teach to positively adjust the "attitude" of her ex-husband in only 2 weeks after only 4 hours of instruction.

Hi Connie,

I just wanted to thank you again for sharing your workshop with others. I enjoyed it very much, and it cleared up many things, and gave me the right “tools” to make my goals possible.

I began my healing and my journey to a new life at Divorce Care, and meeting my great friends, Brenda, Phyllis, Sandy and Kathy. The facilitator of Divorce Care added a reading from “Until Today”, by Iyanla Vanzant, at each session. This book was the start of my forgiving and healing. I noticed that you quote Iyanla in your book. I have also enjoyed the teachings of Joyce Meyers. However, it was when I read your book and attended your workshop that things really began to improve fast.

My husband and I went to mediation in February. He was very negative and did not comply with meeting his financial commitments to me. After I used the strategies you teach, including specific affirmations and the forgiveness technique, he called me, on June 21st. I could immediately hear that there was NO “attitude” in his voice, and he called to ask where to mail the check, so he could get it in the mail that day! Needless to say, I am thrilled! I think some of his “attitude” was because he thought that “I” would have hate and resentment towards him, due to all the circumstances, and he was ready for it. Surprise! No hate or resentment here, and I truly think he didn’t know how to react! The techniques you teach WORK and are truly amazing!

As far as my desired relationship, (which I affirm that I have) I am “saving the very BEST for last”. I have let go of the past, and my heart and head are free and radiate love and happiness where ever I go, and to everyone I meet. It “feels” wonderful!

Thank you for being such a wonderful woman, and sharing such positive things, "me" and with others. YOU are an Earth Angel, and such a powerful inspiration, and I do believe I am now one too! I just got a nice e-mail from my ex. It continues to work! Woo Hoo!

Live, Love, Laugh....
Donna Smith

June 2007

Judy found the love of her life, and you can too. Read her amazing story and discover that being specific about who you desire really does work!!!!


Thank you very much for your work and for the opportunity to attend your workshops over the past few years.

I attended your workshop last April and created 3 goals. Finances, health and relationship. I had been single for a year, working, enjoying friends and not "looking" but dating.

I wrote 13 pages of a detailed description of my perfect mate....(VERY specific down to the eye color and height) put it in a red folder and placed it in the relationship gua (area) of my home.

June 25th, I met Scott and knew immediately there was something special and unique about this man. At some point, I pulled out my list and counted the qualities I wrote down... there were 100 qualities and he was 93 of 100.... at that time. Since then his eyes have turned GREEN! (Quality 35) and he has successfully transformed his relationship with his ex- spouse to a peaceful one. Now we are at 95! (The boat and plane have been selected and we are getting married very soon:)

Face book link below, I will send you our Vital life dating book as soon as we are finished.

Namaste.. and thank you for your wonderful work.

Face Book Click Here

Judy Warren

The Greg Norman Collection
704-604-2465 mobile

June 2007

Michael Davitt is a long time LOA student. He is a clinical social worker who has proven that (contrary to popular belief) social workers really can help a lot of people and make a very good income at the same time. Read his very first affirmation in my book (on the bottom of page 161 and top of page 162 in the chapter on Goal Setting for Career) when he first decided to chart his own course.

Hi Connie:

To update you, I got a DOD contract to work with US military and their families for six weeks this summer. So.. I'm now in Giessen, Germany until July 15. Sweet deal! I thought I'd let you know. My prosperity has multiplied this year. This is a great opportunity.

I'm helping people who need it, getting paid an excellent salary as well as per diem. Flights, hotel all taken care of. I already have a slew of great stories of my Germanic adventure and I've been here just one week. See you down the line in Raleigh.

Have a great summer,

May 2007

Dear Connie:

I have read spiritual and metaphysical literature consistently for more than 20 years and have manifested quite a few things in areas that were easy for me. Your class helped me identify longstanding blocks and barriers to financial prosperity. I have written my goals and affirmation according to your guidelines, and know they’ll manifest. I can tell my energy is shifting because during the class, I applied the law of forgiveness for an individual for whom I’ve harbored great resentment. Two days later there was contact—indications that the energy is now clear.

The week after completing the class, I was thankful to get 3 free video rentals, my daughter’s tutor gave me a pro bono week of tutoring out of the blue, I sold 8 books effortlessly, and received a surprise $50 check. I also got rave reviews and made wonderful new connections for my business when I presented a workshop at a state conference. My energy is steadily rising. I feel clearer, and as if I can really meet my potential.

Angela Belcher Epps
The Writing Clinic for comprehensive grant writing needs


Susan attended my LOA workshop April 2007

Dear Connie:

I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you. Through the steps in the book and your workshop, by Week Three I am experiencing amazing results. I have created three specific goals and affirmations in the areas of finance, weight and relationship.

Financial goal - I am delighted to report after Week Two I received an unexpected $1,400 check. (After Week one I received an unexpected $225 check.) Really not so surprising given that
"I attract money easily and effortlessly".....

Weight goal - In one week I lost six pounds of weight "I no longer need and am releasing"

Relationship goal - My goal here was to feel nurtured and appreciated in my marriage. -- After 18 years of marriage (and for the first time ever) my husband told me 'out of the blue' that he really appreciated me and all that I do and that he probably doesn't say it often.

I have been a student of Law of Attraction for quite some time. I have never had such amazing results or such a clear path on how to achieve them so quickly. I know I will continue to use these processes over and over with better and better results!

In gratitude, Susan J. Walsh

April 2007

Hi Connie,

I wanted to Thank You for such a wonderful workshop Friday. It was absolutely life changing. I am completely confident that this works. When I left the workshop and was in the airport, I always get searched in security. One time I even was randomly chosen to step aside to get searched. Anyway, I told myself I was going to get through without being searched and sure enough it worked. That was Friday. On Monday, I received a check in the mail for over $10,000. I was expecting the money but, it finally came:) Today, I received another check in the mail for $699.00. That money I was not expecting. I kept telling myself I am going to receive a check in the mail. I did:) I have passed on your book to my best friend. Thanks for everything. I am on my way, feeling truly confident that I am developing irresistible attraction.

Holly Ford


Do you believe in miracles? I do, and the more I believe in them, the more they keep happening. Health is usually the last goal listed by my LOA students, so I don't have as many stories in this area. However, my Dad and Sharyn (one of my best friends) both had a miracle healing using the LOA principles I teach in my book, Develop Irresistible Attraction. I tell about my Dad's story in my book, and Sharyn's story is below. Many people who use the LOA technique I teach for their health find the correct health practitioner who can best assist them. However, several people have had miracle healings. Sharyn is one of them and her story is powerful. Please send it to those you know and love with health issues to give them hope knowing there are tools (the LOA principles) they can use to find healing. Here's her story in her own words:

"I had a stroke last summer after months of creating intense stress in my life. The doctors were puzzled as I did not have a single risk factor - too young, (Baby Boomer), not overweight, didn't smoke, healthy in every other way, etc. But suddenly it felt like my brain was exploding non-stop and I couldn't walk anymore. I couldn't even sit up. I finally went to the hospital after 2 ½ days, was admitted, and they did a brain MRI. It looked very bad! It showed a black cloud over 2/3 of my cerebellum, which the brain surgeon told my family was permanent brain damage. He then said I would never walk again, never, and that my husband needed to look into NURSING HOMES for me, because I would need care 24/7. He said that after about 6 months intense physical therapy might help me learn to use a walker.

My poor husband was in total shock. Right before the stroke I seemed to enjoy above-average health, and now he was being told I was permanently disabled. My kids arrived at the hospital on the 4th day. Since I still couldn't even sit up (and was groaning constantly in pain, because no meds would help) it seemed that the prognosis was correct, and they were reeling with grief too.

Luckily I wasn't told the prognosis.I just thought some kind of monster migraine was causing these symptoms, and expected to heal completely. The very day I was admitted to the hospital, Connie and I had planned on manning a booth together at the Business Expo at the RBC Center (to promote my real estate business and her LOA business and book) and obviously I wasn't going to make it. So I called Connie, leaving a long rambling incoherent message on her cell phone trying to explain the situation. (In addition to an author and life coach, Connie is also a RN.) She came rushing over to the hospital, saw my husband Larry in a state of shock, me writhing in bed moaning in constant pain, unable to sit up, and he whispered to her the prognosis. She did not accept it. She took Larry outside the room - he was white as a ghost, all choked up he could barely speak - and this is what she said: 'Larry, Sharyn is a fighter. If anyone could get through this, it's Sharyn. She is tenacious! She won't let this get her down, I know her. I've seen patients come out of these things. DON'T LOSE HOPE." Then Connie said that we would use the LOA techniques and she would place me on every prayer list she could, because several of her clients had miracle healings so she knew it was possible.

Most of my four days of agony is a blur. I do remember vividly that at one point when my daughter Tracey was standing over me I felt my head getting wet. At first I thought the rain outside (it was pouring that night) was leaking through the ceiling. But then I realized it was her tears landing on my head, and it was a torrent. She is a teenager and the last few years we have been locking horns, not getting along so great, so her tears actually made me feel better. Her tears reassured me that she truly loved me!

Then at 4:30 AM - 36 hours after being admitted to the hospital, 4 days after the stroke hit - I suddenly became aware of the fact that the pain was gone, and I could sit up again. I realized I felt fine, ready to go home and get back to work. (More than one doctor had told me I couldn't work anymore, but I never believed them.)

Later that morning when all my doctors came in to see me, they were incredulous. I became known around the stroke ward as "the miracle patient". Despite the brain damage that appeared on the MRI, I had suddenly and obviously gotten all my functionality back. Connie said in all her years as a nurse she has never seen that happen, at least not so fast. It is not unusual for the brain to compensate for other parts that have died, but never in 4 days and with no physical therapy.

It turned out that the cause of my stroke was a hole in my heart; one I didn't know I had. When they discovered the hole it became clear what happened. The hole had allowed a blood clot to form, break off, travel through my blood stream to my brain and kill those brain cells, causing my symptoms. I have had migraine headaches for years and recent research has shown that a significant number of people with these type headaches have a hole in their heart that never closed when they were born.

Then, I had another major synchronicity - just last year a doctor at Duke developed a new non-invasive technique to close holes in hearts. I had this procedure last September. This wonderful doctor threaded a catheter through a vein in my leg using a camera, and patched the hole. I didn't even need a single stitch! So I am fixed, and it should never happen again. (My migraines have also have decreased significantly in frequency and severity.) I feel like I have a whole new lease on life. I am happier, feel more loved and far more empowered, proving once again the LOA principles not only work, but can be life-saving. After my life-altering experience, I became so confident in the power of LOA, I used Connie's technique to win a cruise for two. I also landed a TV spot on HGTV's show "Buy Me" just last week. I want to shout to the world, 'LOA WORKS, TRY IT! AND NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!!!!'"

With great gratitude, Sharyn Fuller
You Can Rely on Sharyn With a "Y" |



I just wanted to let you both know I really enjoyed the seminar last week – both of you were fantastic, and Connie, you got me pumped! Also – something happened…..My flight was delayed by 1 ½ hours sitting on the tarmac on Friday, but I started thinking to myself that we will definitely get off this runway, and after telling us about the delay, I decided I would try what you said, Connie. I thought to myself “we will leave tonight, and we will get out of here earlier then the expected delay,” and wouldn’t you know, it happened! Also, our customers have picked up. I don’t know if it’s the “law of attraction,” great karma that you generated last week, or the 10,000 person mailer we put out last week for Signature Concierge Services, along with an article in the paper, but all of a sudden, the customers are coming fast and furious!

Jessica Nardo, General Manager
Signature Concierge Service


I wanted to tell you and Connie that my manifestations have started coming true. My people have been falling all over themselves to help me, but the biggest one was that I had my first customer Thursday without even looking for her. After delivering some more business cards to my hairdresser, I watched a woman try to get a big end table into a Miata convertible. As you can imagine, she wasn't having much luck. So, I walked over and offered to carry that table and another one to her home a few miles away. Not only did I get the job, but I got some more good contacts. All this before I'm really set up to be in business!

More later. Thanks again.

Wendy Webster
Around To It Concierge Services


Hi Connie,
Thank you so much for helping me learn, grow, manifest and create more in my life at a very rapid pace. I have spent years on personal development programs and read many books, listened to many tapes, CDs and DVDs, and spent tens of thousands of dollars attending workshops. However, with your incredible book, and fantastic one personal coaching session, I was able to meet 2 of my 3 goals in two weeks. These are goals I had been working on for some time. Now after attending one of your workshops, my third goal is also coming true and I feel euphoric. I have shared your book with so many of my peers, friends, family, and associates all over the world, and now they are manifesting too. I look forward to supporting your work in the future because I know that the universe we live in has no limits and so many people are going to be helped by what you do.

Ever so grateful…

Jeremy Longmaid
(919) 601-6937


Hello Connie:
How wonderful that you're presenting in NY November 1st. I live in South Jersey and I've been dying to make a trip to NY. Just hop on the train. I intend to be there! hehehe - Here's reason to celebrate. I set forth my goal back in late August, that by December. 25th I would be a certain weight. Immediately the desire to overeat was gone. I've been able to start working out with absolute joy four days a week. Sitting down? I have gone down two sizes. I have only lost about 4lbs. Go figure? It is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. And guess what-I don't care if I lose weight or inches! It really is wonderful, and watching it happen in this area (my weight) and other areas is almost like watching a movie. I wrote the script and seeing it play out is just incredible. Thanks so much Connie.

Cathy Valentino


Hi Connie,
This is Thaddeus Holley, and I was introduced to your book by Jeremy Longmaid, The LOA has been working for me ever since. As a matter of fact, after reading and applying your workbook, the company I work for asked me to star in a national TV commercial for the product we sell. They could have chosen many other people or used professional actors, but out of everyone, they chose me. They also sent me a nice check for my participation, and I will be seen all over the country on TV. I am so excited and can't wait to continue to manifest more and more abundance. I actually ordered another Develop Irresistible Attraction book for my cousin who I shared the LOA with. I also used other sources, Wealth Beyond Reason, Happy Pocket Full of Money and your book. I can't forget the DVD The Secret that started it all, but I would like to thank you for your book and sharing the LOA with everyone,

Wishing you the best...



Connie, Donna called me last night and told me that she gave you my harp cd. I am so excited about the cd, and the healing work I'm doing. I'll never forget the surprise when you told me that my harp will be a major healing modality for me to share with others. It has played out to be so! I have other cd's in mind, one with vocal mantras on top of the harp, and one called Amethyst Portal. The Laws of Attraction class has continued to bring inspiration and alignment with my heart's desire and for that I am truly thankful to you Connie! What a wonderful journey!
I would love to know what you think of the cd. Any suggestions/ideas will be greatly appreciated
I'm selling the cd's for $12 if anyone is interested in purchasing one.
Thank you again Connie for your support and inspiration!

Maggee Moran


hi friends and colleagues..
I am leaving NC for a year!...have sublet my beautiful lakefront villa to go out west...Sante Fe, Vegas and LA to pursue a opportunity to develop and produce a TV show about art..all the right doors are being open for me to fulfill a big dream..I have partnered up with an executive producer and will be working on the content development and filming the pilot for sale to a major network..
thanks have been an inspiration for my magnetism!!!


Nate's Forgiveness Story - July 2006

Nate had real forgiveness issues with both his parents. They had totally cut off his money supply at the very beginning of the semester in his junior year of college. They weren't happy that Nate had made a D in one of his classes even though he had made an A and B's in the rest. As he spiraled into near bankruptcy, Nate had to drop out of college and get a job. He also lost the place he was living and his car. Nate was angry that his parents compared him with his older sister who had made high grades in college despite a learning disability. He didn't understand his parent's extreme reaction and ended all contact with them for a year and a-half.

Nate was very open to the idea of the forgiveness realizing the anger and resentment he was harboring was negatively affecting all areas of his life including his job and relationship. One month after saying the forgiveness affirmation, he was completely surprised by a visit out of the blue from his father. Nate had never told his dad where he was employed making the visit even more unexpected. His father had come to ask him to check his mail as a check was waiting. Nate noticed the interaction with his father was much less awkward and more relaxed that before. His father even shook his hand and gave him a hug.

Upon checking the mail, Nate was overjoyed to find a check for $10,000 made out in his name from the settlement of his grandmother's estate. He was able to buy a car after struggling with transportation difficulties for eight months. Nate was also able to use his good fortune to assist a friend in need of medical attention, as well as another friend.

In addition to financial rewards, Nate also received a job promotion with a much better schedule. His supervisor asked him to manage the store in his absence, and he is being groomed for another promotion to a managerial position. Nate says, I'm happier, more relaxed, have more energy, and my relationship with my girlfriend has improved. I can let little things go that used to irritate me.

After two years of struggling, Nate is most surprised by how much his life changed in just two short months after saying the forgiveness affirmation. He say's, The forgiveness technique places you in control of things instead of becoming a martyr. When life presents future challenges it's good to know I have a tool that is so simple yet so powerful.

Linda Beam had immediate success increasing her customer base after attending a Business Abundance for the Entrepreneur Workshop on July 21, 2006

Hi Connie,
I enjoyed your July 21 workshop. I believe and practice most of what you teach but the LOA workshop was just the booster shot I needed to implement it in my business. I just had to forward this e-mail to you. A new realtor that used my services sent it to the realtor that recommended me. I love the Miracle™ part of the Staging Master title!

Miracles are pretty easy when you stay plugged into Source.

Best wishes for continued success!

Linda Beam, ASP
Durham, NC


July, 2006

It was a pleasure learning from you, Ron and Connie during your May 2006 workshop. Your professionalism, attention to detail and enthusiasm for your passion have complimented and exponentially multiplied the business plan and vision for Fidelity Concierge ~ The Purveyors of Time and Freedom. Your Diamond level registration with all that is included is absolutely the best value and has been instrumental in dotting many "i's" and crossing many "t's" for our business launch. I would highly recommend it to anyone! Even before Connie Domino's presentation, I felt that your workshop had more than exceeded my expectations. After her presentation, the only thing that I can say is, "Wow, I did not expect my approach and attitude to life to be improved too!" Thank you for everything and I look forward to working with you all for many years to come. You are welcome in Florida anytime. Bring your clubs Ron!

Dennis Hubbell,
Fidelity Concierge,
Jacksonville Beach, FL

Katharine is the co-founder of Triangle Concierge and the International Concierge and Errand Association (ICEA) as well as the author of several business books including The Concierge Manual. She is also the author of the acclaimed inspirational book God, is that you? Check out some of Katharine's articles at

June 3, 2006

I first wanted to thank you again for the this amazing workshop! Second I would like to tell you of two things that happened to me (and blew my mind as well as Sandy, Tracy & Dennis) within 1 and 1/2 hours after leaving the workshop this evening. When Dennis drove me to my hotel I ran up to my room to grab my credit card and my cell phone so we could go out to dinner. Just as I got back into Dennis' car my phone rang. The gentleman on the other end called me out of the blue and started asking what my service was about and would like me to meet with him in about a week an a half to discuss how my service could benifit his company. (Yes I almost burst out laughing because I could not believe that this was happening.) I was blown away. So as the time comes closer I may be calling you to go over a few points to negotiate with him on. Okay now let me tell you about the second thing that happend. Within an hour of this instance Tracy, her husband, Sandy & myself had walked from the Sheraton hotel to a little restaurant two blocks away. During our meal it began raining extremely hard. We all were "afirming" that we were not going to walk home in the rain and that we would not get wet on the walk home. So anyway as we finished dinner it was still raining very hard and I jokenly said out loud that we could "borrow" an umbrella and walk to the hotel get the car and then bring back someone's umbrella and they wouldn't even notice. Well (this is the part that blew us all away) a lady over heard us and offered to give us a ride the two blocks to the hotel.. So we didn't walk home in the rain and a way was provided to us to get to the hotel complety dry. So all I can say is "HOLY COW" I am truly convenced at how powerful this LOA really is. WOW!!! Thanks for providing this new amazing life changing tool!

Greg Tillack
Your Personal Valet
Concierge & Errand Service
Mobile: 801.735.5607
Office: 801.796.1570
Fax: 801.796.1571

I met you at the Concierge training in June. I manifested as a goal that I would be placed on the ballot as a candidate for public office. I have qualified to get on the ballot for City Council in Richmond for the November election (by getting enough signatures on petitions). My name appears on the ballot with the State Board of Elections for Virginia on its website. I am now manifesting a win in November. I also manifested financial success/business abundance for the business and am believing that will also take place soon. I had written the 12 Days of Forgiveness song and will send it to you soon. May life give you all good things.

Marie Coone
Your Personal Assistant Richmond, Virginia

Hi, Connie:
I attended your class last night and you invited me to submit the experience I told you about regarding forgiveness. I am a Law of Attraction Life Coach and have been a sincere student of Law of Attraction for some time. The night I attended your workshop, you were talking about forgiveness. You explained how powerful forgiveness is for shifting Energy and getting Energy moving and making things happen. THE VERY NEXT DAY I talked with a client who was so angry and feeling so powerless about her ex-husband. Her list of grievances was long, including the fact that he had not provided child support in over two years. I immediately thought of the forgiveness affirmation listed on page 92 of your book. My client was really angry and I was hesitant to suggest forgiveness, but I explained to her that it was NOT FOR HIM. As she understood that it was FOR HERSELF and as I shared with her some of the amazing results that your clients and workshop participants have experienced, she agreed to try it. So we said it together several times and she wrote it down. I suggested that she keep repeating it until she was really feeling it. The next week she reported that it worked! “Out of the blue” he sent her a check for one year’s child support and a solid plan to catch up with the balance. Needless to say, she was amazed. And I am so pleased because I now have another powerful tool to offer my clients. Thank you, Connie.

Kate Corbin
Law of Attraction Life Coach

Roberta had been actively looking for a job for an entire year before she attended the September 2005 LOA Workshop Her dream job manifested on October 28, 2005, two days before her goal date of October 31, 2005

Connie Connie Connie - guess what???????????

I got THE job............... I got THE job. I did exactly what you told me to do but I did it this morning because I fell asleep last night before doing so. They are going to call me back today to tell me the exact the pay, however she did say it was more than my last job. Mike and Andrew was in a meeting, therefore they all needed to meet about the salary. She also stated that I will probably start doing the week because they have to get me a computer, phone etc.

Now what did I do after I heard the good news? I jumped up and down, I cried and thanked God, my angels , Michael, the universe, spirit guides over and over of course. And then I went over to Monarch (because I had to tell them something today) that I have a job already. And on the way there, I yelled so loud in the car because I couldn’t do that in the apt. As they say in the streets - I am doing the dog gone thing. I am so excited.

I want to say thank thank you for sharing the class, sharing your time, sharing your wisdom and being the person you are, because if you were negative in any way you would have lost me. And see I love to talk NOW - therefore I can share to others about you and send business your way with my testimony. Now I can get back to start taking spiritual classes and don’t forget that for the future. You just don’t know how I acted after talking to you last night when I got home. I was very hyped so hyped I was dancing around, singing, etc. You have that kinda effect. You did that for me in class too after I left each week. Keep doing what you do because you do it so well. Thank you again Connie for taking your time at that time of night to help me make one of my dreams come true.



"Affirmation" used by Roberta:


Thank you God that I have a career job
-utilizing my relevant skills and life experiences
-that is manifesting $3000 or more per month or equivalent
-with a mid-size to corporate size company
-having excellent benefits
-having 401k plan matching 4% or more
-2 weeks or more vacation including personal or sick days
-time and energy outside of work
-feeling secure, belong, comfortable, appreciated
-have an organized, open, fresh, smoothing environment
-working 8 to 5 or better hours
-with positive, supportive, open-minded, responsible, honest, kind, caring, intelligent, sense of humor and charming staff and boss of diversity

-by October 31, 2005

Thank you God

Written by: Roberta Rouse-Wilson

Once you’ve witnessed the tremendous transformation forgiveness can bring to your own life, you can teach others. PM has been working with the forgiveness technique with such remarkable results, she decided to teach a neighbor. On February 01, 2006, she sent me an email that said:

Hi Connie:

wrote my neighbor’s forgiveness affirmation for her. I told her it works for you and is about you, not the person who hurt you. She had gotten a bad settlement from her ex-husband and had been struggling with money for years. She wrote him a letter and told him it was unfair and how she has been struggling, etc. After she used your Forgiveness Technique (pgs. 87- 93 in your book), her ex-husband called her "out of blue" and bought a house for her. The reason your technique is so mind blowing and amazing is that their divorce was 11 years ago. It was not until she said her forgiveness affirmation that he stepped up to the plate. The house goes to the grandchildren when she dies. I’m telling you, "That is big energy moving there." Your forgiveness technique works!!!!! Thanks for sharing these major life-changing tools!!!!

Gratefully yours,


Email From Johanna Stouder in June 2005

Just wanted to let you both know that I got *exactly* what I have been affirming with you all.. I started work two weeks ago for a wonderful company, and have been enjoying it ever since... I have two of the most ‘qualified’ managers that I could ask for - one with an MBA from Duke, and the other with 20 years experience with SAP. I got *exactly* the amount of money that I asked for. And, the job is actually located in Raleigh about 4 miles away from my parents home - so I can stop by there easily if I need to... In any case, I wanted to thank you all for your enthusiasm and encouragement.

One other thing I found useful in addition to saying the affirmations was focusing on the ‘why’ I wanted this and how I would feel when it happened. I had to force myself near the end there - b/c I almost gave up... But anyway, since I received this job I was offered two other jobs - so I guess that when it rains it pours...

In any case, good luck to you all.

Love and Sunshine!!


From Kate Gentry in July 2005

Hi Connie:

Well, I had scheduled an appointment with you to have you look over my affirmations and to ask you some questions about what my "blocks" could be as to why I wasn’t manifesting a relationship. WELL, GUESS WHAT!?!?!

I had three affirmations that I had been saying faithfully everyday since May 15th. One was for the relationship, one was for a job and the other was for money.

The job manifested almost immediately. Which, I suppose that I knew it would, since I have always been able to find jobs. I manifested a job (to insure that I can put the experience on my resume, we are calling it an ’internship’) that fits just about all of the criteria that I had noted, including the salary. Okay, so no blocks when it comes to the job front.

Relationships, on the other hand, I racked my brain as to what I could be getting hung up on. Then back in May, I took my first job assignment with an office where I met the owner’s single brother. He met all the attributes I had written down for the person I wanted to date. To make a long story short, I have now manifested my relationship! I felt a type of joy and excitement yesterday that I have never felt before in my life! What a great feeling.

So, I wanted to write you and let you know, that I will not be able to meet with you on Friday, because I have been invited to the beach! I hope you are not upset! (I didn’t think that you would be!)

Thanks so much for everything,


January 20, 2006

Everyone needs to adopt a positive attitude, especially when dealing with other people, and Friday’s class with Connie Domino on the Law of Attraction" certainly brought it all together.

I’ve read all the how-to-books on positive thinking and Connie’s presentation makes the most sense of all. This is the BEST workshop I have ever attended.

Terri Seidita, President

Concierge Home Services, LLC

January 20, 2006

I would like to thank you and Connie for everything. I enjoyed your workshop(s).I just wanted to tell you a quick story of something that happened to me right after I left Connie’s Business Abundance workshop.

I was walking across the street and around the corner to go to the front of the Sheraton, I was thinking about a lot of the uplifting discussions of the day, and I was passing a florist shop and glanced over to admire the flowers that were displayed on the sidewalk. All of a sudden the owner came out, stopped me and asked if I would like to take some flowers home with me for free. Being the typical New Yorker, I am thinking to myself, "OK what the catch"?, there was no catch for some strange reason he just wanted to give me flowers to take home. I gave him a hug and kiss and thanked him again and left. For the rest of the day, everyone in the airports kept saying what lovely flowers and were did I get them. So I told who ever was asking me about the florist and how I received the flowers and everyone thought how wonderful and kind of the florist.

I would greatly appreciate if either you, Connie or anyone you know who needs flowers if you would refer them to this very kind man. His name is Kevin McDaniel, Ninth Street Flowers,
401 Fayetteville Street
Mall, Raleigh, NC 27601, . I guess getting rid of some of my "onion" layers yesterday, helped to bring something wonderful and totally unexpected into my life. I guess it really does work.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my little happy story with you.

Thanks again, Janet P.

Clearwater Florida

I met you at the Concierge training in June. I manifested as a goal that I would be placed on the ballot as a candidate for public office. I have qualified to get on the ballot for City Council in Richmond for the November election (by getting enough signatures on petitions). My name appears on the ballot with the State Board of Elections for Virginia on its website. I am now manifesting a win in November. I also manifested financial success/business abundance for the business and am believing that will also take place soon. I had written the 12 Days of Forgiveness song and will send it to you soon. May life give you all good things.

Marie Coone
Your Personal Assistant Richmond, Virginia

Hi, Connie:
I attended your class last night and you invited me to submit the experience I told you about regarding forgiveness. I am a Law of Attraction Life Coach and have been a sincere student of Law of Attraction for some time. The night I attended your workshop, you were talking about forgiveness. You explained how powerful forgiveness is for shifting Energy and getting Energy moving and making things happen. THE VERY NEXT DAY I talked with a client who was so angry and feeling so powerless about her ex-husband. Her list of grievances was long, including the fact that he had not provided child support in over two years. I immediately thought of the forgiveness affirmation listed on page 92 of your book. My client was really angry and I was hesitant to suggest forgiveness, but I explained to her that it was NOT FOR HIM. As she understood that it was FOR HERSELF and as I shared with her some of the amazing results that your clients and workshop participants have experienced, she agreed to try it. So we said it together several times and she wrote it down. I suggested that she keep repeating it until she was really feeling it. The next week she reported that it worked! “Out of the blue” he sent her a check for one year’s child support and a solid plan to catch up with the balance. Needless to say, she was amazed. And I am so pleased because I now have another powerful tool to offer my clients. Thank you, Connie.

Kate Corbin
Law of Attraction Life Coach

Tip from Donna Williams, a long-time LOA Student. Donna is manifesting the building of her new house -- one of her major LOA goals. She is a real estate agent in Wake County. Way to Go Donna -- you give hope to others!

October 2005

The idea of the prosperity check is something I found out about from Madison in the Morning on Sunny 93.9. She was talking about writing a check on the first new moon of the New Year made payable to yourself, with Paid if full written in both the amount box and the written amount, and then sign the check “Law of Abundance.” I did this at the first of the year, and I decided to do it again when I started my house. So, I wrote a check and folded it very small and put it in the prosperity corner of the foundation of my new home. So far, I have been receiving discounts on some of my materials, as well as receiving money in the mail for other reasons. The money coming in the mail is for insurance reimbursement, but nonetheless, it is money coming in, the way I see it!

Hi Connie,

Just wanted to let you know that I have been using all the LOA steps and we found out yesterday that my husband will be getting a quarterly bonus that is "twice" what he normally receives,also things are really coming together on my concierge biz. Thanks again for your direction and inspiration.

Dee Culbertson
June 2005

"It’s been since early Jan. since I attended your LOA 1 month later, I want to share in a nutshell the outcome of my 3 "wishes": 1) I affirmed, and quickly manifested the minimum amount of money needed for the month...yet back in my mind was the real sum my brain had conjured up, and that I was censoring; ie.: I asked for $4000, but really felt more resonance with $6000....2 days ago I landed a brand new career in which I will be making that amount ($6000) by the end of this year! 2) I affirmed that my existing business, The Beaded Moon was drawing lots of happy customers...lately I have more than doubled my business, easily and almost effortlessly. 3) I also affirmed that I would create a beautiful home with my beloved...and without going into detail, just know that now everything is falling easily into place to make that a very happy reality for all concerned! So yes, this program works, and I am eager to do it again in the near future, but meanwhile, I am happy to have these tools at my fingertips!"

Lady Bee

"I have manifested a new job. I had returned to a job I didn’t want to over two years. I have been unhappy for quite some time as you know. I mailed a resume a week ago. They called me two days later for an interview. I had the interview this morning and was hired on the spot. I will be making about $100.00 extra a week. This was the only resume I had mailed out. Everything happened so suddenly. It was like being hit by a ton of bricks. I guess the synergy really took over. It was like it was meant to be. This isn’t my dream job, but it is work I am familiar with. And the people seem really pleasant. And I don’t have to work Saturdays anymore. I just wanted to share this with you. Thanks for all that you have taught me."

Debra H

"I just wanted to share a manifestation with you. My younger brother has been out of work since January. He had been searching really hard and earnestly all year for another job. He was really getting discouraged at times. In August I started saying a daily affirmation several times a day for him to find a job. He called me last Friday to tell me he had found a job. This will probably be one of the best paying jobs he has ever had. He is so happy to be employed again."


"I increased my sales as a photographer since I have been taking this class. I just received an unexpected sale of $1,200 for several wedding albums for the parents of the couple, and I just received an event coverage job for $450.00. I was skeptical at first, but now I can see this system really works and works fast just like you said." Bill S.
"I have manifested financial abundance. I have more sales prospects now than I can handle. I am finding money on the ground almost daily. I have doubled my income since last year."
Chris O.

"This LOA class helped me focus more on the "flow of energy" which is mine to claim. My new business partner and I are opening up a piano studio this summer. I have manifested two free pianos, a space for my studio, free teaching materials, and helpers to paint and repair, etc. Learning how to "get in the energy flow," has allowed me to begin this wonderful business which is my passion with very little expenses up front. This is such a creative period, full of success and ’joy.’"
Joy M.

I love LOA. It has brought to light things that I have always done but took for granted. Since my first LOA class in April, I have manifested relationships, several new jobs and a new home.
Donna W.

"LOA is an inspiring class that has brought to light the powers we all possess to bring greater prosperity and happiness into our lives. I personally have manifested a greater sense of well-being and greater prosperity through my harp performance business. I have booked additional performances and plan add a website."
Mary B.

"This LOA class meant a reaffirmation of the relation between thought and things and the ability of being able to create your reality. My manifestation was the healing I experienced from a medical condition that was 2 years old, and a chain of events that has placed me in touch with the person I needed to bring about the relief I sought."

"This LOA class is further confirmation in the power of creative thought. We do attract (manifest) all that we experience. I have manifested a nanny, a summer class and camp schedule, an entertainment center and a forgiveness class."
Julie O.

"I affirmed for a way to make extra money that was fun! I have manifested beginning a craft to sell. I have manifested some of the materials for free."
Vicki S.

"Briefly, the manifesting happening for us in our studio is truly amazing. Nov. 1st we doubled our rental space from 745 sq. ft. to approximately 1500 sq. ft. creating a 2nd piano lab larger than the first. "Affordable help" up-fitted the space, moved our instruments and got the space ready for sharing sessions and a recital 12/8-14th. Our students and their families LOVE how spacious this lab feels. All went well.

Meanwhile, a reflexologist is renting one of our rooms. While getting her room painted and ready she discovered we were looking for another piano. Bonnie moved her own piano from home into her studio space for the 12/14 recital, leaving her without an instrument at home. Next thing I knew, Lynn, the reflexologist, offered Bonnie her piano, which was in Greensboro at her mother’s. That piano has been moved from Greensboro by Maus Co. to Bonnie’s house, FREE! Maus and the Greensboro store are the same company. A shipment was being made to Raleigh and the piano was moved as a favor to Bonnie.

All total, we have 3 piano studios and 2 piano labs with 4 acoustic pianos and 14 keyboards, 8 have full keyboards and the remaining 4 1/2 octaves. One piano on loan to us from Maus was replaced in Sept. by a sale piano which Bonnie bought for herself. Everything else was already paid for or loaned and given to us. Many other donations have been made through man hours of painting and "fixing" things, plants, materials, etc. It keeps on coming. Our student load, between 3 piano teachers and 1 voice teacher was 83 first semester and increasing now as 2nd semester resumes and new classes and students arrive.

I am claiming my weekends FREE to rest and renew after several years of working as a church organist. I have faith the income I need will be supplied through the teaching and whatever else is better for me. I realize co-managing the business is requiring creative energy. One job is now enough. What a wonderful year this has been!"

-Joy M.

"I wanted to update you on great things in my life. I think I told you about the beginnings of my autoharp project. Well, it’s done now and I now have my diatonic autoharp for a little over $200 because I converted it myself. (Buying a custom harp would be about $2,000 and getting someone to do it for me would be about $800). The whole time I got all the information and support I needed. I got connected to a lot of people in the autoharp community. This really was the something extra for me. I learned so much. Other people I’ve met are very impressed I did it myself but it felt easy because I had everything I needed all along. I also have been teaching this stuff to my kids and my son had a great demonstration. We had applied for a camp at the Science Museum and he didn’t get in but was put on the waiting list. We visualized him getting in and having a great time and kept that up for several months and they called a week before the camp started and said he was in. The whole thing was just perfect, we got free parking the first day and on and on. I continue to have great results from the things I learned in your class and am excited that you are getting such great opportunities to teach.

Christine O.

A single Mom, after a long dry spell with very little dating, has had 3 - 4 men as potential prospects and has been on dates with some of them. She is so very excited, she could hardly sit still. She also has some wonderful things happening with a new business she is building. She made and shared a wonderful collage of pictures she pasted from magazines onto a poster board making a visual representation of her affirmations for her desires.

A graduate from our January class. She wanted a new building for a charter school in Southeast Raleigh that serves underprivileged children. She is a volunteer there and was worried the economy was bad, there was not enough money for the new building and her board of directors didn’t support a new building. After attending the LOA course and applying the techniques, she recently emailed me to say that she got the building for her school and it opened August 18 in time for the school year.

A graduate was recently divorced and had been out of the job market for seventeen years. She had sent out numerous resumes in November 2001 without one response. She felt she was too old and had no skills. After only two weeks in the LOA Class, she had several calls for interviews and by the 4th week of the class, she had a job!

A single Mom, after several years of not dating had a date with a man that met many of the things she had listed in her affirmation for a man she would like to date. However, he didn’t meet the most important thing was to show an interest in her and her life, so she will keep looking. However, she is very much encouraged by this date.

A graduate had as an affirmation to find love and date and he says he is absolutely "in love." He introduced me to his new found love at Church.

"LOA has opened me up to awareness of synchronicity in my life. My desire was a relationship. I have manifested an opportunity to spend a week with a man that I met four years ago at a time that I wasn’t open to a relationship. After I wrote my affirmation for a relationship, this man reentered my life unexpectedly." AR

A graduate after a dating dry spell, had 3 different men call her after only 2 weeks in the class. She is now dating one of those three. She has also sold several homes in her home refurbishing business. She is just about to sell a third home and is very excited.

A recent graduate received a long awaited promotion at his job after only two weeks in the class.

A class member wanted to buy a refrigerator at 0% financing from Sears. Sears told him they didn’t have that option. However, he said his affirmations and had calm assurance and within several days all of Sears had 0% financing on their refrigerators. He also needed cat food one night when he was arriving home late and tired and didn’t want to go to the store. He looked in his mailbox and "low and behold" had been sent one can of catfood by a catfood company.

An amazing story was of a graduate who applied for a job months ago and said affirmations about the exact job she wanted. A lady called her months later that had found her resume in a drawer (after this business had been sold to another company). She liked the resume, called our class member and interviewed her. Our graduate said the actual words coming from this lady’s month were the same as she had written on her affirmation sheet, she couldn’t believe it.

A recent graduate is so excited because she has been able to overcome some of her fears she had about prosperity and now feels she will advance by leaps and bounds.

A graduate was worried about the relationship between his 19 year old daughter and a boy that was engaging in high risk behaviors. He couldn’t talk to her or him and make any headway. He began to saying affirmations that the best for all would manifest, and he developed clam assurance by removing energy blocks, and within 2 weeks the young man came over to his house and broke up with his daughter.

A graduate wanted a room added on to her house and some remodeling. She had actively mastered minded and meditated for 2 years, but still didn’t have the room. After attending the class for two sessions and employing the techniques, a friend and her husband were over at her house and the husband said he would remodeled and add a room onto her house for only $200.00. A professional at remodeling, he ended up completing a $5000.00 job to $200.00 which she could well afford.

"This LOA class helped me focus more on the "flow of energy" which is mine to claim. My new business partner and I are opening up a piano studio this summer. I have manifested two free pianos, a space for my studio, free teaching materials, and helpers to paint and repair, etc. Learning how to "get in the energy flow," has allowed me to begin this wonderful business which is my passion with very little expenses up front. This is such a creative period, full of success and ’joy.’" Joy M.

"This LOA class is further confirmation in the power of creative thought. We do attract (manifest) all that we experience. I have manifested a nanny, a summer class and camp schedule, an entertainment center and a forgiveness class." Julie O.

"I have manifested financial abundance. I have more sales prospects now than I can handle. I am finding money on the ground almost daily. I have doubled my income since last year." Chris O.

"I affirmed for a way to make extra money that was fun! I have manifested beginning a craft to sell. I have manifested some of the materials for free." Vicki S.

A graduate wanted a home business with flexible hours. She wanted to be self-employed. She had worked for companies in their sales department for years and was tired of the 9 - 5 schedule. She developed a vacuum by setting up an office in her home. Within 3 weeks afterwards, she called me to say she had quit her desk job and had her own home business with flexible hours.

"I increased my sales as a photographer since I have been taking this class. I just received an unexpected sale of $1,200 for several wedding albums for the parents of the couple, and I just received an event coverage job for $450.00. I was skeptical at first, but now I can see this system really works and works fast just like you said." Bill S.
"LOA is an inspiring class that has brought to light the powers we all possess to bring greater prosperity and happiness into our lives. I personally have manifested a greater sense of well-being and greater prosperity through my harp performance business. I have booked additional performances and plan add a website."

Mary B.

Katharine is the co-founder of Triangle Concierge and the International Concierge and Errand Association (ICEA) as well as the author of several business books including The Concierge Manual. She is also the author of the acclaimed inspirational book God, is that you? Check out some of Katharine's articles at

June 3, 2006

I first wanted to thank you again for the this amazing workshop! Second I would like to tell you of two things that happened to me (and blew my mind as well as Sandy, Tracy & Dennis) within 1 and 1/2 hours after leaving the workshop this evening. When Dennis drove me to my hotel I ran up to my room to grab my credit card and my cell phone so we could go out to dinner. Just as I got back into Dennis' car my phone rang. The gentleman on the other end called me out of the blue and started asking what my service was about and would like me to meet with him in about a week an a half to discuss how my service could benifit his company. (Yes I almost burst out laughing because I could not believe that this was happening.) I was blown away. So as the time comes closer I may be calling you to go over a few points to negotiate with him on. Okay now let me tell you about the second thing that happend. Within an hour of this instance Tracy, her husband, Sandy & myself had walked from the Sheraton hotel to a little restaurant two blocks away. During our meal it began raining extremely hard. We all were "afirming" that we were not going to walk home in the rain and that we would not get wet on the walk home. So anyway as we finished dinner it was still raining very hard and I jokenly said out loud that we could "borrow" an umbrella and walk to the hotel get the car and then bring back someone's umbrella and they wouldn't even notice. Well (this is the part that blew us all away) a lady over heard us and offered to give us a ride the two blocks to the hotel.. So we didn't walk home in the rain and a way was provided to us to get to the hotel complety dry. So all I can say is "HOLY COW" I am truly convenced at how powerful this LOA really is. WOW!!! Thanks for providing this new amazing life changing tool!

Greg Tillack
Your Personal Valet
Concierge & Errand Service
Mobile: 801.735.5607
Office: 801.796.1570
Fax: 801.796.1571